A Checklist for Families

This document will be updated as new information is received.

Weekend Before School Begins:

  • Review good hand hygiene and cough/sneeze etiquette
  • Prepare a backpack with the essential supplies
  • Ensure students are aware they will be required to wear a mask
    • entering in the morning and exiting at the end of the day
    • in the hallway (not when they are travelling in their class pod)
    • going to the washroom

Day Before School Begins:

  • Check email for homeroom assignment, assigned entry door and class info
  • Check that a mask(s) is in the backpack (students require 2 masks a day)
  • Pack snacks, a full water bottle and a lunch 

First Day of School:

  • Assess your child for symptoms
  • Send a mask in a plastic baggie clearily marked with their name. this mask will remain at school in the event they become ill.
  • Keep student home and contact 811 if symptoms are present
  • Arrive at the designated time and door wearing a mask
  • Playgrounds are closed in the mornings
  • Staff will assist students to homeroom class
  • Sanitize hands upon entering classroom

At Dismissal:

  • Depart through the assigned door and proceed home
  • Maintain social distancing at all times
  • Playgrounds are closed

What If? and other questions…

What if my child feels ill during the school day?

  • They will be isolated with a supporting adult
  • Parent/guardian will be contacted to pick the student up as quickly as possible
  • Parent/guardian should contact 811 if COVID-19 symptoms are present

What if a staff member feels ill during the school day?

  • They will notify the office and leave immediately
  • Another staff member will be assigned to replace them until arrangements are made for a substitute

What if I need to drop-off/pick-up my child during the school day?

  • Communicate your plans with the office in advance
  • Student will check-out/in at the office and will meet you outside

What if my child has special needs and requires different support from what is described here?

  • Contact the school so we can plan together to meet your child’s needs

What of my child forgets or loses their mask?

  • Inform the staff member at the assigned entry door and they will make arrangements for a disposable mask to be brought to them
  • We do have a few community masks available

What if I need to drop something off for my child during the school day?

  • Communicate with the office in advance when possible
  • Wear a mask
  • After being buzzed in, sanitize your hands and leave the item labelled with your child’s name on the table just inside the main door
  • The item will be delivered to your child

 Can I come to school with my child on the first day?

  • Non-essential people are not permitted in the building without a set appointment and no appointments will be accepted for the first day – please plan for them to come on their own BUT you are welcome to park in the parking lot (please not in the kiss ‘n drop) and walk your child to their assigned entry door. You will need to wear a mask.
  • If there are any special circumstances, please contact the office in advance to discuss arrangements that meet public health requirements

What if I need to speak with a staff person or arrange a meeting?

  • Contact the school and arrangements will be made for a phone meeting, Zoom call or if necessary, an in-person meeting.

Will there be hot lunch service and if so, how will it work?

  • We are not planning to offer hot lunch currently but will re-evaluate in October

School photography has been postponed at this time, as non-essential personal are not permitted in the building

Will water be available at school for my child?

  • Either the fountains or water coolers will be available to students during the day
  • We ask for a full bottle to limit the need to leave the classroom as much as possible

What happens if a student or staff member has tested positive for COVID-19?

  • Public health will be immediately involved and will provide direction to the school and community

Please check the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Resources for Families as well as our school website:




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